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Safety and quality of life at work
SNCF Réseau
Modernisation des caissons LTV RER
Pour assurer la sécurité des agents lors de travaux sur le réseau ferré, SCLE SFE et TLTI ont conçu en quatre mois un prototype de caisson de signalisation moderne, léger, ergonomique, doté de géolocalisation et d’une autonomie améliorée, validé par des tests sur site et enrichi par les retours des agents.
Safety and quality of life at work
RATP Infrastructure
A smart glasses to modernize training and troubleshooting assistance
A use case of RATP Infrastructures with LUNAAR made it possible to test a smart glasses and a digital training platform to modernize training and assistance in troubleshooting, strengthening the skills of agents in the field.
Quality of services
SNCF Réseau
Levelling defect measurements
A use case proposed by SNCF Réseau in order to continuously monitor the geometry of the track using IoT sensors under the rail, measuring vertical movements and detecting levelling defects, to anticipate maintenance needs and reduce interventions.
Quality of services
SNCF Réseau
Measurement of the temperature of the catenary under tension
A use case proposed by SNCF Réseau to measure the temperature of live catenary elements over 1.5 km, using a sensor proposed by MOIZ with solar energy recovery, allowing accurate readings and data transmission.
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